Wednesday, January 19, 2011

misteri dunia~

huhuhu klo lam assignment lecturer ak soh acknowledge those who assist ak,, so,,sj jeh nk ckp org yg assist ak kli ni adelah ma future husband,, hehe c~ I told u,, dy mmg ske citer bnde2 cmni kt ak,, kre cm each time "bdiskusi" (bdiskusi ker??) dy mmg mnmbh ilmu pngetahuan ak yg sdie ade ni la,, eceh~ huhu ok,,, msok kpd tjok kter pd hri ni ye kwn2,, de 3 bnde ak nk share ngn korg,,

1) nazca lines in peru
    mle2 ak cte sal machu picchu yg ak nk pgi sgt uh kt dy (future husband),, patu dy pn smbg psal nazca lines
    ni,, sbbnye bnde alah ni kt peru gk sesame ngn machu picchu,,,

   nazca lines ni da ade bratus2 ribu thn dlu,,, tp till now scientist xdpt nk explain pape tntg structure2 ni,,,
   misteri sungguh,,,

   nazca lines ni tletak kat southwest peru,, structure2 ni besa aw snanyeh,, gmba2 ni pn dorg amek dr ats,,,
   size satu2 structure tu dlm 25- 275 m bsawnyeh,, haa mek kaw,, 1 pdg bola pn buleyh buat taw,,
   jgn memaen,,, da lew ukura dy same jerh,, i mean santek a lukisan dy,,, is3,, ajaib2,,, korg xrse ajaib ke??

   ni antre gmba2 yg ade kt google,,

monyet,, santek kn??

ikan,, pirana? wallahualam~

ikan paus

angkasawan,,, hebat tol org dlu2,,




  so,, ape komen anda?? hebat x hebat org dlu2 an,,, tabik lah~

2) moving rocks
    oryte,, ni plak cite psal batu bgerak,,, klo di ikotkn mst korg kate kjadian ni blaku sbb persekitaran en2?
    hmmm,,, ak pn pkey gtu gk mle2,,, tp... check dis out,,,

hmmm cemane plk dy bleyh sblah2,,,

terbaek wok wat jln,,,

c?? dating ka ini batu??

da mcm acare lumbe lari da,,,

  mybe de yg ckp sbb hujan,, then tnh bsah... blumpur,,, then batu tu cam tglincir a kot,,, sbb tu dy leyh grak
  beserta dgn line2 jln dy,,, hmmm tp kwn2,,, ni kt gurun kwn2,,, angin pn jrg ade,,,, ni kn plak hujan,,, batu ni
  grak cpat plk uh,,,, huhu so cmne?

3) easter island ( ni myb rmai da taw,, ak jeh xterdedah lg,, hehe)
    yg ni mmg de crite d sbaliknye lh kn,, cume motif sbna dorg bine patung2 ni yg xd ktahui,,, byk pringkat
    cite dy,, sbb tulah mcm2 jnis patung ade,,, korg nk bce2 a kt sini,,, dy cm tratur a jln pncritaan dy,,, so
    insyaAllah korg bleyh phm,,, huhu

huhu,, mcm2 kjadian tuhan ade kt ats muke bumi ni,, tggl kiter je kne brusaha mrungkaiknnye,,, wallahualam~

Friday, January 14, 2011

tounge twister weee~

sronok kot try bnde ni,, tbelit2 my lidah taw,,, huhu bnde ni leyh d jdkn speech skills yer kwn2,,, agk2 klo ggp time interview,, korg bce jeh tounge twister yg korg taw,, kompom xggp da pastuh,,, now,,, here r some tounge twisters dat i manage to find trougout uncle google,, prepare ur mouth people~,,, huhu jom2,, try it ^^ 
1) A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

ape kukuku huh??
2) Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?
3) I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I   won't wish the wish you wish to wish      

4) A tutor who tooted the flute, tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, 'Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?' 

5) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?   
oit2! sbot btol2!
ok now,, try even harder~ngehehehe
6) Esau Wood sawed wood.
    Esau Wood would saw wood with a wood saw.
    Esau's wood saw would saw wood! 

One day, Wood's wood saw would saw no wood,
    so Wood sought a wood saw that would.
    Then, Wood saw a wood saw saw wood as no
    wood saw Wood ever saw wood sawed wood.
    So Wood sought the wood saw that sawed wood
    as no wood saw Wood ever saw ever sawed.
    Now Wood saws wood with the wood saw Wood
    saw saw wood as no wood saw
    Wood ever saw would wood saw wood.

7) Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
    but Moses supposes erroneously;
    for nobody's toeses are poses of roses,
    as Moses supposes his toeses to be.
8) Theophilus Thistle, the Thistle Sifter,
    Sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles.
    If Theophilus Thistle, the Thistle Sifter,
    Sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles,

Where is the sieve of un-sifted thistles
    Theophilus Thistle, the Thistle Sifter, sifted?

keh3~ dak kici ni pn glakkn korg ^^
9) Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.
    The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
    And made her batter bitter.
    But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
    So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
    Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better.
10) Ed Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott than
      Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. Either the
      shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or Nott was shot. If the shot Shott
      shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, the
      shot was Shott, not Nott. However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott - but
      Nott. So, Ed Nott was shot and that's hot! Is it not?

muahahaha,, sronok x?? sronok lew tiu~ keh3 klo free2 tu visit a blog ni,, try selected tounge twister kt ats uh,,, huhuhuhu ak pn byk kli try,, sme jeh bnyiknye,,, hehe gudlak babes~ wink2 ^^

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7 wonders of the world~ walla~

today's entry is about 7 wonders of the world,, muahaha speaking a plak an,, ak sukkkaaaa gilak kt bnde nih,, sbb?? sbb bnde2 ni sgt2 santek,, i loike~ huhu stakat ni pnye ilmu pngtahuan psal bnde ni cme ade 7 bijik jek,,, bkn 7 bijik dragon ball ye kwn2,,, 7 bijik bnde ni la,, huhu 
taj mahal,, mahal aw,, jgn memaen,,

taj mahal ni dlu shahjahan yg pnye,,, dy wat khas utk wife dy,,, huuu so sweet~ agk2 future husband ak nk wtkn xbgnn cmni tok ak? keh3,,,
ni nmenye petra,,dekat jordan

org ptame yg discover + tgk tggln ni adelah uncle Johan Ludwig Burckhardt,,, pastu da stdy psal islam,, then dy msk islam n tuka nme kpd Ibrahim ibn Abdullah,,, petra nih slh 1 lost city a gk,, tp kat Afrika,,, huuu kalolah ak jmpe bgnn2 lme kt blkg 4th ke blkg umah ke,, sronok gk en,,, 

tembok besa cine yg sgt mmbggekn,,,

ok ni sgt pnjg cite dy,,, dr dinasti ching,, ming,, n many more,, bru siap tembok nh,, huu kagum seyh,,, terbaek dr ldg~

christ redeemer,,, brazil,,

lme gler kot nk wat tugu ni,, mm aslnye mle2 de sorg pkck uh suke sgt tgk bukit kt sni,,, lme2 dy gram kot,, pastuh dy soh org2 watkn tugu nh,,, besa banget ini~
chichenitza,, mexico,, sok ak smpai sne,,

after some complicated calculation,, tara~ ineylah hasilnyeh,, walla~ hehehe mls nk bce,,, korg google a,, hehe mahap2 tp xslap ak nih temple kot,,, (correct me if im wrong yarh~)

colosseum,,italy,, tggl sparoh je,,, xsilap bnde ni tmpt org dlu2 lwn2,,, lwn ape? lwn tgn kot,,,

mcm2 kgunaan snawnyeh colosseum ni,, yg ak terbce,, dy gne tok tmpt punishmet,, jdkn castle,, n mcm2 g lah,, sbbnye da byk btuka tgn da bgnn ni,,, sllu je gemapa bumi jd kt kwsn nh,,, lastly inilah yg tggl~huuu jd,, hargailah pniggln sjarah kiter yer,,,
pic bwh ni mmg terbaek seyh~ ak suka gilaaa ,,,,,,, slh 1 wishlist dlm idop ak,, huhuhu mntk2 a tcapai,, amin~ 

inilah machu picchu,,, huuuu,,, sronok nye weyh klo dpt g sni~  tggln nih kengkadang org pggl "The Lost City of the Incas",,, mcm2 citer a psal bnde nih,, korg bleyh mntk tlg pkcik google crikkn,, huhu tp yg pntg ak mmg brazam nk g snih sjak perkenalan ak ngn gmba2 bliaw,,, sob2,, gmba jeh,,, huuu

so,, ksimpulannyeh,, byk jeh tmpt2 yg lg mnraek + nit yet discover by us,,, jd,, kiter sbg plapis ni kne a blaja rerajin spaye dpt jmpe bangunan bru,, haha semate,,, last but not least,,, sok ade kuiz,, kne stdy,,, huuu~ doakn saye yer rakan2,,, da~

machu picchu,,, machu picchu,,, machu picchu,, machu picchu,,,, machu picchu,, machu picchu,,,, ^^

Sunday, January 9, 2011

kude belang melintas

entry ni nk cte psal pe yg lecturer titas ak cte las wik,,  mle2 bguraw sende jeh lam klas,, patu pende g tah ak da xigt,,, yg ak igt psal zebra cross ni,,, nk d pendekkn cite,,, um ni punyela byk bendul2 utk pjalan kki mlintas,,, op kos la kan,, kate u,,, tp byk sgt weyh,, huuuu smpai rim moto abg ak pn pnah patah sbb bendul tu k,,, moto ak stakat nih ok lg a,,, cme goyang2 (goang gail bak kate pepatah banjar) jeh handle dy,,, haha cm da longgar pn de gak,,, tataw la,, k byk sgt mmbebel,,, msok kpd tajok kiter,,,

lectrr ak kate mle2 dulu org wt zebra cross ni juz ltak line blang2 ala2 kude blang uh,, sbb tu nme dy zebra,, klo dy ltak tompok2 itam putih mungkin dy ltak cow cross kot?? tah la,, 

   ni la zebra crossing,, siap ngn zebra g ak bg,,, ko ade? haha

    ni plak cow cross,, haha ntah clah mn ak jumpe,, kt planet zadora kot nh,,

lpas tu,, nk d jdkan crite,, pmndu2 bhemat mlesie ni smakin lme smakin bhemah,, d mn mreka igtkn line blang2 tu adelah kwsn pnigkatan klajuan,, make dgn rase rendah dirinye mreka tkan pedal minyak tatkale nmpk line2 tu,,, ini adelah salah ye kwn2,, sklay lg salah,,, korg spttnye slow down n stop b4 d line spaye org2 leyh lalu~

jd,,, krajaan amek inisiatif utk naekkn skit zebra crossing uh jd bumper zebra crossing,,, ha,, ni 1 idea yg bgus ye rakan2,, tp mle2 jlah,,,

    nmpk x bendul tersebot?? tu la inisiatifnye...

pabile zaman smakin maju,,, pmandu2 bhemah iney juge smaken maju,,, d mn mreka langgar je bendul uh dgn rase banggenye yer kwn2,,, mksdnye d sni kreta mreka tuh thn lsak lerr,, paham? huhu kire org2 pjln kki ni akn mmuji2 lah kreta mreka,, huhuhuhu katenye~

biler bendol pn xjln,, krajaan mmikirkn pule idea baru d mn krajaan pasaang a plak crossing traffic light utk org2 mlintas,,, cmni bru a dorg bhenti,, tp tu pn tggu lmpu uh jd merah ea,, klo x xdek mknenye~ huhuhuhu bgsnye d sni mreka ni bdisiplin a~ tp xkne tmpat a plak an,,, is2,,,

     ok bleyh jln ye pjln2 kki skalian~

   15 saat je lg utk korg jln ye pjln2 kki~

huhuhu pnjg sgt a plak,, ok,, ksimpulan tros a,,, da 3 care da krajaan (kot? huhu) wat tuk mnyenangkn pjln2 kki ni,,, jd kiter tggl ikot jeh,, tuk ksenangan kiter jgak wahai pmndu2 bhemah,, xyah ssh2 nk anta org g spital ker memarah org2 mlintas ker,,, wat tmbh dose je dek non,, huhu so,, lu pkey la sndrik,,, ngntok da,,, huhuhuhu 

trimas kpd lectrrku krn mnyedarkan ak tntg bnde ni,,, sbb ak pn slh sorg dr pmndu bhemah tu~ heheheh

Saturday, January 8, 2011

sungai lam laot???

mmndgkn xdek kje nk wat,, ak update ler blog neyh,,,sblm kiter masok kpd tjok kiter hri ni ye kwn2,,,  mmm npe ek da bkotak2 ak ltak gadget kt tepi uh tp bler ak bkk jeh xdek,,, org len bkk ade jeh,,, is,,, muskil akak,,, cenane2????

ok,, now,, ctnue wit our tajok,, (mahap yer rojak bhse~ huhu)  mnde nih cm bru jeh blaku kot,,, ak taw pn drpd future husband ak (chewah! ngeee),,, dy byk share mnde2 cmni ,,,, royalti lbeyh sket ea,,, huhu mle2 cm xcye,, ptu cbe try test tgk kt u-tube + google pic,,, mmg btol ade seyh~ subhanallah~ tgk ni....

sume ni dlm laot ye kwn2,,, dlm laot~,,, huuu rse rmai da taw kot,,, sje jeh nk share kt sni,,, rtu ciap msok halaqah g aw,,, pakcik yg discover tu msok islam pas tgk live,,, huuu~ tsentap akak,,, eh tsentoh~ 

ni short vid pkcik tu kot,,, huhu mari2 tgk~

huhuhu.... speechless...... SUBHANALLAH~

klo ikot kefahaman diri yg serbe kkurgn iney huhu,, bende ni de kt laot Mexico,,, dy jadik sbb laot btembong ngn sungai,,, pastu tercreate 1 region d mn mereka (laot dn sg) tdk bcampo,,, region tulah yg mnjdkn sg dlm laot~,,, utk mklumat lbeyh lnjot,,, sile google~ hehe

Friday, January 7, 2011


tah hape2,,, ok,,, skg ni ak da kompiden tok umumkan blog iney~ hehehe sbg freshie blogger,, sye mmrlukn pndpt sume org tok nek taraf blog nih,, ngeee~ sile2 feel free to gv comments,,, trimas~ huhu

Sunday, January 2, 2011

new ya~ hihi

shaye suda adew blog! ngaha~ sronok2~ hepy new ya eby buddy~ dgn lafaz bismillahirrahmanirrahim,, saye  rasmikan blog inih! huhuhuhuh smgt2!